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Pet dryer has been the necessary tool when taking care of your pets. Unlike the human hair dryers that are often set at too high heat will make a bad effect for a pet’s skin. For some large animals, the small nozzle size of a human blow-dryer will make a blow-drying session unnecessary long. VETRA offers blow dryers, designed for pets, have multiple speed options and temperature settings. For example, if your dog or cat is scared of the sound of the dryer, keeping the dryer on low will decrease the noise. Besides, some dryers come with multiple nozzles, some that diffuse the air widely and others that concentrate the air more tightly. Regardless of what type of pet dryers you use, you’ll want to make sure you slowly introduce the dryer to your dog, especially if he or she is not used to being blow-dried regularly. Start at their bottom end and make sure you avoid blowing air directly at sensitive areas like their face, ears, or genitals. Using a free hand to brush through a dog’s hair while it dries will also help speed up the process. Instead, a pet dryer is attached to a dog’s crate and works by blowing warm air into the crate surrounding the pet. However, cage dryers do pose a risk of causing a dog to overheat and, in some sad cases, have led to fatal heatstroke. So, it’s important to always supervise a dog while using a cage dryer and never leave them alone. With that in mind, take a look at the best pet dryers for sale you can buy.